Saturday, April 23, 2011

Burn calories!

What's the obsession with "burning calories?" Did anyone realize thay your can simply eat less?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Garbage trucks

Nobody likes the noise of garbage trucks, especially if one's house is near the start of the run. Early morning noise disturbs your daily routine once each week, perhaps twice on the same day if there is a double run of garbage and recycling/green waste. Does anyone stop to think that if we all made less rubbish, then the garbage collections could be less frequent, or shorter runs, so you would get woken less often? How many of our actions have consequences which we fail to account for?

Sunday, January 31, 2010

End of summer holidays

Welcome back to public transport: Personal music players which are anything but personal; mobile phone ringtones; loud and long discourses on trivia, spoken into said mobile telephones. This makes it hard to concentrate on reading, or even to doze on the way home.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flickr pictures

I really like the pictures of the State Library of NSW. The angles, the frames and the lighting captured original and unique views which one wouldn't normally notice whilst intently looking for information - unless you took the time to 'stand and stare'. Shows off photography as a true art form.

Beginning thoughts

Now anyone can publish! Actually, anyone with electricity, a computer, an internet connection, ability to read and write, etc.- which cuts out a large proportion of the world population. But within this community of bloggers, there are so many people talking at once that I felt inspired to call this blog "Listen to the noise". As nobody else has used this title, perhaps I have a misguided view of what blogging is all about. To me it is a form of communication where we can all have a say, but what is currently a mystery to me is how you find an interesting or useful blog, apart from those on mainstream websites. And how much of what we write is worth publishing?

In an old etiquette book I once read that you should never write anything in a letter that you would be embarrassed to see under your name on the front page of a newspaper. Has anyone rephrased this for netiquette?